Reduced Fabric Clock Frequency with Low Frequency Core Clock - 1.1 English - PG371

Versal ACAP Integrated 600G Interlaken with FEC Subsystem Product Guide (PG371)

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1.1 English
To support reduced fabric interface rates, you need to set the following rate adaptation fields and registers:
  • c0_ctl_rx_rate_adapt_inc[7:0] register field of the CFG_C0_RX_RATE_ADAPT_INC register
  • c0_ctl_rx_rate_adapt_dec[7:0] register field of the CFG_C0_RX_RATE_ADAPT_DEC register

The register values depend on the configuration. The following table lists values of rate adaptation registers for each configuration.

Table 1. Rate Adapter Inc/Dec Values for Low-Frequency Core Clock Interlaken Configurations
Max Transceiver Rate (Gb/s) Max # Lanes Aggregate BW (Gb/s) AXI Width (Bits) AXI Clock (MHz) Core Clock (MHz) GT I/F Width (Bits) RX Rate Adapt Inc 1 RX Rate Adapt Dec 2
56.42 12 677.04 2048 331 662 160 32 16
12 677.04 1536 441 662 24 16
10 564.2 2048 276 551 32 16
10 564.2 1536 368 551 24 16
8 451.36 1536 294 441 24 16
8 451.36 1024 441 441 16 16
6 338.52 1024 331 662 16 8
6 338.52 768 441 662 12 8
4 225.68 768 294 441 12 8
4 225.68 512 441 441 8 8
53.125 12 637.5 2048 312 623 80 32 16
12 637.5 1536 416 623 24 16
10 531.25 2048 260 519 32 16
10 531.25 1536 347 519 24 16
8 425 1536 278 416 24 16
8 425 1024 416 416 16 16
6 318.75 1024 312 623 16 8
6 318.75 768 416 623 12 8
4 212.5 768 278 416 12 8
4 212.5 512 416 416 8 8
28.21 24 677.04 2048 331 662 80 32 16
24 677.04 1536 441 662 24 16
18 507.78 2048 249 496 32 16
18 507.78 1536 331 496 24 16
16 451.36 1536 294 441 24 16
16 451.36 1024 441 441 16 16
12 338.52 1024 331 662 16 8
12 338.52 768 441 662 12 8
10 282.1 1024 277 551 16 8
10 282.1 768 369 551 12 8
8 225.68 768 294 441 12 8
8 225.68 512 441 441 8 8
6 169.26 512 331 441 8 6
25.78125 24 618.75 2048 303 605 40 32 16
24 618.75 1536 404 605 24 16
18 464.0625 2048 228 454 32 16
18 464.0625 1536 303 454 24 16
16 412.5 1536 269 403 24 16
16 412.5 1024 403 403 16 16
12 309.375 1024 303 605 16 8
12 309.375 768 404 605 12 8
10 257.8125 1024 253 504 16 8
10 257.8125 768 337 504 12 8
8 206.25 768 269 403 12 8
8 206.25 512 403 403 8 8
6 154.6875 512 303 403 8 6
12.5 24 300 1024 293 586 40 16 8
24 300 768 391 586 12 8
18 225 768 293 440 12 8
12 150 512 293 293 8 8
  1. This column refers to the c0_ctl_rx_rate_adapt_inc[3:0] field of the CFG_C0_RX_RATE_ADAPT_INC register.
  2. This column refers to the c0_ctl_rx_rate_adapt_dec[3:0] field of the CFG_C0_RX_RATE_ADAPT_DEC register.