X-Ref Target - Figure 5-2 |
The difference between the synthesizable example design and the simulation example design is the use of the MicroBlaze ™ microprocessor instead of the AXI VIP core as the AXI master. The locked port of AXI4-Stream to Video Out is connected to the axi_gpio_lock core and the MicroBlaze processor polls the corresponding register for a sign that the test has passed.
The synthesizable example design requires both Vivado® and the Xilinx® Vitis ™ tools. The first step is to run synthesis, implementation, and bitstream generation in Vivado. After all those steps are done, select File -> Export -> Export Hardware . In the window, select Include bitstream , select an export directory and click OK .
The remaining work is performed in the Xilinx Vitis tool. The Gamma LUT example design file can be found in the Vitis directory:
(<install_directory>/ <release> /data/embeddedsw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/drivers/v_gamma_lut_v1_2/examples/
Example application design source files (contained within examples folder) are tightly coupled with the Gamma LUT example design available in the Vivado catalog.
The vgamma_lut_example.tcl file automates the process of generating the downloadable bit and .elf files from the provided example .xsa file. To run the provided Tcl script, perform the following steps:
1. Copy the exported example design .xsa file in the examples directory of the driver.
2. Launch the Xilinx Software Command-Line Tool ( xsct ) terminal.
3. Use cd to access the examples directory.
4. Source the Tcl file:
xsct%>source vgamma_lut_example.tcl
5. Execute the script:
xsct%>vgamma_lut_example <xsa_filename.xsa>
The Tcl script performs the following actions:
• Creates workspace
• Creates HW project
• Creates BSP
• Creates application project
• Builds BSP and application project
After the process is complete, the required files are available in the following directories:
bit file -> vgamma_lut_example.sdk/vgamma_lut_example_hw_platform folder
elf file -> vgamma_lut_example.sdk/vgamma_lut_example_design/{Debug/Release} folder
Next, perform the following steps to run the software application:
IMPORTANT: To do so, make sure that the hardware is powered on and a Digilent Cable or an USB Platform Cable is connected to the host PC. Also, ensure that a USB cable is connected to the UART port of the KC705 board.
1. Launch the Vitis IDE.
2. Set workspace to vgamma_lut_example.sdk folder in prompted window. The Vitis project opens automatically. If a welcome page shows up, close that page.
3. Download the bitstream into the FPGA by selecting Xilinx Tools > Program FPGA . The Program FPGA dialog box opens.
4. Ensure that the Bitstream field shows the bitstream file generated by the Tcl script, and then click Program .
Note: The DONE LED on the board turns green if the programming is successful.
5. A terminal program (HyperTerminal or PuTTY) is needed for UART communication. Open the program, choose the appropriate port, set the baud rate to 115200, and establish a serial port connection.
6. Select and right-click the vgamma_lut_example_design application in the Project_Explorer panel.
7. Select Run As > Launch on Hardware (System Debugger).
8. Select Binaries and Qualifier in window and click OK . The example design test results are shown in terminal program.
For more information, visit https://www.xilinx.com/products/design-tools/vitis.html .
When executed on the board, the example application performs the following actions:
• Programs the video clock generator to 1080p@60 Hz
• Programs TPG and Gamma LUT to 1080p@60 Hz
• Checks for video lock and reports the status (PASS/FAIL) on UART
• Repeats steps 1-3 for 4KP@30 Hz and 4KP@60 Hz