•AXI4-Stream Data Width Converter
°Increases the width of the TDATA signal by combining a series of AXI4-Stream transfers into one larger transfer.
°Decreases the width of a TDATA signal by splitting an AXI4-Stream transfer into a series of smaller transfers.
•AXI4-Stream Subset Converter
Routing Modules
•AXI4-Stream Broadcaster
°Duplicates an AXI4-Stream transfer to multiple slaves
•AXI4-Stream Switch
°Allows multiple masters and slave to be connected by using the TDEST signal to route transfers to different slaves.
°Optional control register routing mode that uses an AXI4-Lite interface to specify routing.
•AXI4-Stream Interconnect (Requires Vivado).
°Allows masters and slaves with differing AXI4-Stream characteristics to exchange AXI4-Stream transfers.