When netlisting for rtl simulation the constructed model is split across different components of the design. The NoC endpoints (for example NMUs, NSUs, DDRMCs) are instantiated in the containing axi_noc and axis_noc instances, while a new block called "xlnoc" is constructed to contain the set of connection components (for example NPSs, NIDBs) required to implement the NoC routing solution.
Vivado creates a new top-level wrapper file called <design>_wrapper_sim_wrapper.v
to stitch the xlnoc
block into the simulation netlist. The original <design>_wrapper
is not modified but is instantiated
in the new top-level along with a single instance of the constructed xlnoc. <design>_wrapper_sim_wrapper
connects the ports of
to the corresponding NoC endpoint ports by reaching into the design hierarchy using
Verilog hierarchical references.
The file <design>_wrapper_sim_wrapper.v is constructed in the
project sources directory by the launch_simulation
command. The
Simulation top module name on the
Simulation Settings page will be set to
. To create the wrapper file without
invoking the Vivado simulator specify the
-scripts_only option to
Another method to generate the xlnoc
and the file
<design>_wrapper_sim_wrapper.v is to use the
TCL command. This command is
recommended for scripted simulation flows outside of Vivado.