Physical Link (Raw) Bandwidth - 1.0 English - PG313

Versal Adaptive SoC Programmable Network on Chip and Integrated Memory Controller 1.0 LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG313)

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1.0 English

At the most basic level, each physical link through the NoC is limited by the raw possible bandwidth of a physical link, ignoring packetization overheads. Read responses have no packet header overheads and can achieve this bandwidth. Write requests have a header flit and so need some derating.

The following table shows the maximum operating frequency of the NoC packet transport for each AMD Versalâ„¢ speed grade.
Table 1. NoC Clock Frequency per Speed Grade
Speed Grade -1LP -1MP -2LP -2MP -2HP -3HP
NoC Frequency (MHz) 960 960 1000 1000 1080 1080
The following table shows the physical link bandwidth before any packetization overheads are considered.
Table 2. Raw Link Physical Bandwidth
NoC Clock Frequency MHz Read BW GBytes/sec 256 Byte Transfer Write BW GBytes/sec 256 Byte Transfer Read BW GBytes/sec 64 Byte Transfer Write BW GBytes/sec 64 Byte Transfer
960 15.36 14.46 15.36 12.29
1000 16.0 15.06 16.0 12.8
1080 17.28 16.26 17.28 13.82