Generating future expansion pinouts for LPDDR4/4X designs is a simpler
than for DDR4 based designs. Only the Dual Channel 2 x 32-bit LPDDR4/4X Single Rank Pin
Efficient pinout is unique and doesn’t support other LPDDR4/4X configurations. The
standard Optimum pinout which is not Pin Efficient will support future expandability for
dual rank devices, enabling an ECC device, expanding single channel data widths,
expanding dual channel data widths, and expanding from single channel to dual channel
topologies. As long as the connection examples are followed multiple topologies can be
supported with a single hardware design. While the logical net names change the hardware
can remain unchanged. When generating the maximum pinout ensure settings like ECC, Write
DM, DBI, and DDRMC Pinout Swapping settings are set as expected for the application.
Refer to the connection diagrams for the first configuration and the expanded
configuration to visualize the commonalities between them to ensure hardware is designed
correctly. An easy way to demonstrate this concept it to look at the Single Channel
16-bit connection diagram, then the Dual Channel 2 x 16-bit connection diagram, then the
Single Channel 1 x 32-bit connection diagram, then the Single Channel 1 x 48-bit
connection diagram, and then finally a Dual Channel 2 x 32-bit connection diagram.
Figure 1. Connections for a 1x16 LPDDR4/4x Interface
Figure 2. Connections for a 2x16 LPDDR4/4x Interface
Figure 2. Connections for a 1x32 LPDDR4/4x Interface
Figure 3. Connections for a 1x32 with ECC (or 1x48) LPDDR4/4x
Figure 4. Connections for a 2x32 LPDDR4/4x Interface